Being present is certainly not easy as I know from my own experience. But I have learnt that it is ultimately a choice that you make to truly pay attention to how to be present day to day. It will bring more happiness into your life, create more energy and can lessen emotional exhaustion while working.
To be present refers to a state of mindful awareness of what's right in front of you, with no dwelling on the past and no worrying about the future. Choosing to live in the past or the future not only robs you of enjoyment today, but it also robs you of living.
Why is it so hard to be present?
Because we spend so much of our time thinking about what we didn't get done yesterday or what we need to do tomorrow. We completely lose sight of today and become disconnected from living.
We also have the habit of living our lives in a constant state of waiting. We live our lives always hoping some achievement, event, or circumstance in the future will make us happy.
However, in truth, the future never arrives except as the present moment, so we need to learn how to stay in the moment.
What daily activities will help us achieve living life in the moment? These are my top 5:
Breathing exercises - As simple as it sounds, mindful breathing can be a powerful tool for improving your mental wellness, and learning to live in the moment. Your breath is one of the most accessible ways to be present. If you just follow and focus solely on your breath, you can be in the here and now.
Meditation - helps you slow down to notice the things that are right in front of you. It is about learning to be present in your body and mind. Give yourself permission to meditate and pause. Find the joy of doing nothing at all.
Mindful movement - While all workouts can be done mindfully, certain forms of movement emphasize focusing on your breath, your posture and your sensations within your body, such as yoga and barre. Mindful movement can help you feel more present and connected to your body
Focus - Our brains are not wired like computers. We have been sold the myth that we can multitask. Try single-tasking. Yes, one thing at a time! You will be more productive because you have less distraction.
Journaling - Writing things down is a great way to pay attention to your thoughts. Journaling has long been recognized as an effective tool to use for meditation, to open up, and let go of anxious thoughts that bother you, in a healthy way. Writing can teach you to slow your thoughts down and pay more attention to them.
Learning how to live in the present moment every single day is an essential ingredient in a happy life. It is an amazing skill that can be extremely helpful for boosting mental health and well-being.
Lyndsay Syverson
Master Trainer & Ambassador Coordinator
Training Scheduler
Living our lives from moment to moment is not something we can learn overnight. This takes practice. When you find your mind wandering, take a deep breath and reset. Each new day is an opportunity to bring yourself back into the moment and truly live this beautiful life. 💚