Super Woman
If you are overwhelmed juggling everything in your life and feel you must have to do it all, you could be taking on too much. We call this “Superwoman Syndrome.” This is a condition when a woman neglects herself and her needs to fulfill all the roles and responsibilities in her life.
As women, we want to do it all so we play multiple roles: businesswoman, mother, spouse, daughter, sister, homemaker, caretaker, coach, homework supervisor, taxi driver, chef, meal planner, or some mixture of these and more.
Don’t forget to hit the gym, eat healthy and get those roots done. It is never ending.
With all of these roles we are expected to do it with a big smile everyday and complete each one perfectly. I am sending this message to women everywhere to be aware. Taking on these multiple roles can take a lot out of us and it starts to catch up. Many of us are striving for these unrealistic goals that have a serious cost. Instead of feeling fulfilled, you can find yourself feeling stressed, chronically fatigued, depressed and can lead to serious health conditions.
Don’t let the pressure of our world wear you down. You will not get a medal to be the most burnt out and stressed woman on the planet. But it will impact your relationships, your happiness and health.
If you feel you need to untie your cape, check out these tips:
MAKE THE SACRIFICE- Something has to give. Time to focus on your needs and what is important. Make a choice, take something off of your plate.
PERFECT DOESN’T EXIST- The house doesn’t always need to be clean 24/7 and the to do list can wait.
SAY NO - Let it go, it will be liberating. Practice saying this word and stop trying to please everyone else.
SET THE PACE - It is a busy world, but you can decide how fast you go. If you need to take a break from any of your 999 jobs, then do it! Put that phone away. Don't forget to practice self-care and slow down.
Unfortunately, we have found ourselves in a society that encourages women to aspire to a level in everything that we do that is not attainable. It’s madness. But I’ll tell you this from experience, once you take the pressure off of yourself, prioritize and dig deep to know what is important in your life, you will be free from the costume.
Lyndsay Syverson
SoulBody Master Trainer
Master Trainer Coordinator & Training Scheduler
We are so lucky that we have the choices and opportunities that we do today. To be clear we are all superwomen in any role we take on, but it is ok to hang up that cape now and then. We are all bad ass women taking on the world, but let's make a pact to be sure we are still taking care of ourselves. You don’t have to be everything, to everyone.
So take control girls, restore balance in your life! Unleash all your amazing superpowers and show ‘em how it’s done.